Pegaus Fleet Wiki Category:Gamma Quadrant

Category:Gamma Quadrant

Category page
This article is official Pegasus Fleet canon.

Gamma Quadrant
Major Powers
Points of Interest
Important Places
  • Bajoran Wormhole

The Gamm Quadrant is the common designation for one of the four quarters of the Milky Way galaxy. It lies in the "north-west" region of the galactic map, adjacent to the Alpha Quadrant and the Delta Quadrant.


Almost as little is known about the Gamma Quadrant as its neighbor, the Delta Quadrant, due to its incredible distance from the Federation and other Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers. In fact, it was largely thought to be inaccessible until the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369. Not only did this provide a path by which starships could traverse more easily from one quadrant to the other, it also opened up new possibilities for exploration and contact.

Despite this lack of knowledge, what is clear is that this region has been populated by various species, some of which have histories spanning millions of years. It is believed the Hur'q of ancient Klingon legend originated from this quadrant and evidence has been found of Iconian settlements as well. Even the Dominion, which continues to dominate much of the quadrant, is said to be over ten thousand years old.

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