Pegaus Fleet Wiki Category:Alpha Quadrant

Category:Alpha Quadrant

Category page
This article is official Pegasus Fleet canon.

Alpha Quadrant
Major Powers
Minor Powers
Points of Interest
Important Sectors
Important Places
  • Sol
  • Bajoran Wormhole

The Alpha Quadrant is the common designation for one of the four quarters of the Milky Way galaxy. It lies in the "south-west" region of the galactic map, adjacent to the Beta Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant.


The Alpha Quadrant is home to a number of major and minor political entities. Of these, the largest by far is the United Federation of Planets, with its capital, Earth, being located on the border with the neighboring Beta Quadrant. Nearly half of all Federation territory lies within the Alpha Quadrant, including a number of major member worlds.

Other major Alpha Quadrant powers include the Cardassian Union and the Klingon Empire, though the majority of the territory held by the latter is found in the Beta Quadrant. This was also true of the former Romulan Star Empire until it collapsed following the supernova of 2387.

Many of the remaining powers are divided into two groups. Some, like the Ferengi Alliance, achieve a place on the galactic stage through trade and engagement with other powers. Meanwhile, many of the more isolationist governments like the Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly, and the Tzenkethi Coalition are known to defend their territory aggressively against outsiders.

As of the late 24th century, the Federation is believed to have explored less than half of the quadrant, though much of this space consists of the distant galactic rim.

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